Friday, May 29, 2015

Maths Equipment Reminder

The children have already been informed, but a quick reminder that children must bring a calculator to school on Monday for their exam.  Thank you.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Deberes de Lengua Semana 6 22-05-15

Hola a todos:

Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el próximo miércoles 28 ( un día antes de lo normal) y son un repaso de lo visto en clase.

Les detallo la fecha de los exámenes finales:
Jueves 28 examen de ortografía: dictado de g,j,y,ll
Jueves 29 examen de gramática.
Lunes 1 examen de expresión escrita: Texto instructivo ( esta parte también ha sido trabajada en clase y los alumnos están informados de lo que va a tratar el examen).

¡No olviden acudir a nuestra asamblea del día de Canarias  (miércoles 27), esperamos verlos a todos allí!

 Miss Natalia.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Year 5 Assessment Timetable

Please see below the planned schedule for exams.  All exams will take place in the morning.

(5 mins)
Period 1 (50 mins)
Period 2 (50 mins)
Period 3 (50 mins)
Period 4 (50 mins)
Thursday 28th May


Mental Maths (20 mins)

Friday 29th May

 Maths A
(45 mins)

Science Paper A for 5A (45 mins)
Science Paper A for 5L (45 mins)

Monday 1st June


Maths B
(45 mins)
(1 hour plus explanation time)

Tuesday 2nd June


Science Paper B (45 mins)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Assessments and Revision

Children have been told about the subjects/topics that need to be covered, revision aids have been added to the Education City website as well as suggested websites included on this blog.  The year 5 assessment timetable will be added to the blog later this week.  We wish all of our year 5 children lots of luck!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Deberes de Lengua semana 5 15-05-15

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana tienen que ver con el contenido que nos queda por evaluar y con la leyenda que estamos preparando para el  día de Canarias y que todos ya saben lo que tienen que hacer.
La hoja de deberes la entregaré el 15-05-15 y la recogeré el 21 pero la otra parte, o sea , la leyenda, la recogeré el lunes 18.

Recuerdo que los exámenes finales serán en 2 semanas.

Como he dicho anteriormente los libros de lectura de autor canario, jero aletas de mero y Piel de Luna, serán evaluados en la parte de comprensión lectora, y esa será la nota final del año para este aspecto. Con lo cual es obligado realizar esta lectura en casa para después trabajar en gran grupo la comprensión lectora antes de hacerla por escrito.

Con respecto al  día de Canarias, pido colaboración en el aprendizaje de la letra de la canción que cerrará la asamblea y de la parte hablada que cada uno tiene que decir relacionada con su leyenda.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Fractions of Amounts

A helpful teaching tool to remind children how to calculate fractions of amounts.

Fractions of Quantities


This week´s spellings are individual spellings.  Children should be learning the spellings that they are getting wrong in English lessons by writing them in their planner.  These will not be tested on but we will be keeping an eye out in your future literacy work to make sure they are being spelled correctly.

Children will be getting new spellings on Friday ready for next week´s test.


Pupils in Year 5 are now being set 'My Classwork' and 'My Homework.'  At present, work completed at home should be completed in this order.

1. Homework given on sheets to hand in.
2. Homework (on Education City - see below on the left)
3. Classwork (on Education City - see below on the left).

Under the classwork section, we have added lots of revision (from year 3 to year 5) activities that children can complete in their own time.  

The homework section will include work that is being completed in school during the week it is set. 

Neither are compulsory, however we encourage children to use the website regularly.