Thursday, May 29, 2014

English Homework Week 6

Dear all, this week your homework is a Big Talk.
On Monday you will be writing a story about your wild thing that you created in class.
You must discuss an exciting event that happens, ensuring you have a beginning, middle and end. Think about what wow words, adverbs and interesting sentence openers you could use.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Maths Homework Week 5 Term 3

Dear all,

As you have your Maths exams next week your homework is to revise. You will all have seen the revision list by now, so if you have any questions/doubts, do please come to see me or Miss Tanya.

Good luck!

Science Links for Earth Movements

Dear all,

Here are some of the web pages that we have used in class this week. They will be useful in your revision, and you'll also find out lots of interesting facts that you didn't know! Enjoy!

Planet sizes
A fun game
Earth, Moon and Sun
A great general website

Monday, May 19, 2014

Year 5 Exam Timetable Term 3

Dear all,

As you know by now we have exams next week and the week after. Here is the exam timetable, so you can remember what you have on which day, and also to remember any equipment needed!

Monday 26th May
Mental Maths
Maths Paper A (non-calculator)

Tuesday 27th May
Reading A and B
Science Paper A

Wednesday 28th May
There will be no exams this day because of the "Dia de Canarias" celebrations.

Thursday 29th May
Science Paper B
Maths B (calculator)

The week after we will do Big Write again, but we will give you more information about that next week.

Good luck with your revision.

Miss Kim and Miss Tanya

English Homework Week 5 Term 3

Dear all,

For your homework this week we would like you to complete the sheet on tenses. You will need to read the sentence and then write the correct tense in the space. After you have finished, we would like you to write five sentences, one for each tense- present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous and present perfect (using a past participle). The sentences need to include a connective, an exciting adjective and an adverb.

Of course you will also need to learn your spellings for the test as normal next week.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Science Homework Week 4 Term 3

Dear all,
For your Science homework this week we would like you to focus on your revision for the upcoming tests. Please use the revision list and websites given earlier this week to help you.
Have fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Maths Homework Week 4 Term 3

Dear all,

This week for homework we would like you to complete the calculated colouring sheet on angles.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Science Revision Term 3

Dear all,
As you know we have an end of year Science exam in two weeks. You will need to revise everything we have studied since September. This will include:

Unit 1A- The Way We See Things
Unit 1B- Evaporation and Condensation
Unit 2A- The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant
Unit 2B- Investigating Plant Growth
Unit 3A- Earth's Movements - we are still looking at this topic
Unit 3B- Shadows

You need to revise how to plan a fair test (factors to change/keep the same etc) and making predictions based on prior knowledge, and drawing conclusions from results.

Use your homework books and the primary homework help website (before you log into the blog on the Oakley College website) to help with your revision. The BBC Bitesize website will also assist you.

Any questions, just ask!

English Homework Week 4

Dear all,

This week your homework is to revise adverbs of frequency. Please complete the worksheet and learn your spellings. Also follow the links on the ´Tenses Practice´ post on the last blog post to revise your tenses.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Maths Revision Term 3

Dear all, 

It's nearly exam time again! Your homework is to revise everything we have learned so far this year, using your homework books, useful websites and any other revision material you may have. This is the same revision list as before, but with any extra topics added to the list. 

The key topics are:
*Place value- e.g. what is the value of the 5 in this number? 654,312
*Rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000

*Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and nearest 10th
*Compare numbers and calculations using the < and > signs
*All times tables up to the 10 times tables
*Multiplying and dividing a whole number by 10, 100 and 1000

*Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
*Multiplying using the brackets method
*Multiplying using the grid method
*Division using a number line
*Division by chunking
*Number sequences
*Square numbers
*Square roots
*Factors of 2 digit numbers
*Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers using a number line
*Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers using column addition
*Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers using a number line
*Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers using column subtraction
*Finding the difference between 2 numbers
*Problem solving

*Ordering numbers (including decimals)
*Multiples and Factors
*Using different methods for subtraction and addition
*Fractions of numbers
*Word problems involving percentages
*Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

*Identifying different types of angles
*Drawing and measuring different angles with a protractor
*Identifying different types of triangles and their properties

*Recognising qualities of polygons
*Visualising 3D shapes from 2D nets
*Read and plot co-ordinates
*Reflective symmetry (over a horizonal and vertical mirror line)
*Rotational symmetry
*Translation (we will do this at the beginning of this week before the test)
*Recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in 2D shapes.

*Measures- mm and cm, ml and l, g and kg, m and km etc
*Time- including telling the time, timetables and word problems involving time
*Converting measures

*Frequency tables and tally chart
*Bar charts
*Line graphs
*Pie Charts
*Mode, median, range, mean

Good luck with your revision!

Science Homework Week 3 Term 3

As part of our work on solutions, we would like you to complete the homework sheet by doing your own investigation. Make sure that you predict what you think will happen, and explain to your parents/brother/sister etc why you think this. Have fun!


Here are some websites to help you with your tenses:   
(the hangman game is great!)
(different tense exercises)

Have fun!

Miss Tanya

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Maths Homework Week 3 Term 3

We have been working a lot this week on 1 and 2 step word problems. Your homework is to choose at least 5 of the word problems off the sheet and complete them showing ALL of your working out.
Make sure you answer the question e.g. if it is talking about children, then the answer will include the word 'children'. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

English Homework Week 3 Term 3

Dear all,

Your homework this week is to continue learning the past regular and irregular verbs from the sheet or last weeks blog.

Tonight, you must also do a Big Talk - in preparation for a Big Write tomorrow.

The task will involve a character description. It can be a fictional character, human or creature. You must discuss what your character looks like (physical details): face, eyes, nose, ears, body...etc, but also its mannerisms, such as the way it walks and talks. You should also describe your character´s personality: shy, energetic, funny etc.
The Big Write tomorrow will NOT be a story, it should be a description only.

Enjoy talking!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Science Homework Week 2 Term 3

Dear all,

Next week in Science we will be looking at solutions, so for your homework this week, we would like you to read the information given, and complete the passage (activity 1) in your homework books. Please make sure that you understand the key words - use a dictionary to help you if you are unsure.

Have a great weekend!